Sunday, 18 April 2010

LOVE N REGRETS (Do they go hand-in-hand ??...)

Well I have been thinking lately...not that I don't think otherwise...

But this one conversation my sakhi's had on one of the get-together's....It disturbed me ... :(

Well, some questions still playing hide n seek inside my mind .... :o

Is it a Gud practice to regret your Past?
Isnt it so, that Regretting about your past is like Insulting Your self at some point of time in Life??
Also The worst part, Why is that people compare their past with their present? Is that to Convince/Satisfy
themselves with the present(that they are livingin) or serious deadly happiness or just that they have to
contribute something on the matter?

Well All the statements above can appeal in different ways to different people!! :) Excuse my thoughts!!


I find it quite amusing...rather disturbing!! :(

I guess whatever One gives-in for any relationship is the best one could have given at that very moment and
the one actually enjoyed doing so!! Isn't it so?

It hurts me when I see people calling their past relationships a mistake and henceforth Insulting it!

I know worst things might have happened until/unless really really worst...

Didn't that relationship at that point of time purify your senses,made you feel-the unfelt,made u say-
the unsaid,made u do-the never-done,made you see-the unseen??

Even Mother Nature doesn't regret of its Disasters..!!
Disasters are all a part of Mother Nature :) :)

Similar to our Sorrows, Pains, Past, Present are to our life !...These provide us an Identity!

Past tell us -What-we-are!
Present gives a chance to -What-we-can-be!
Future presents of -What-we-want-to-be!

Well in that Get-Together, my old pals were present, some married....well some in this category were going ga-ga over their hubbies and the life that THEIR HUBBIES have bestowed on them....mostly comparing their ex's with them!!.... ;) :)

Sweethearts ...what i would say is....By comparing you'v already done a Disaster there!!....Its just not worth it !! :) :)

I heard of statements like:
"Thank God! It ended! I'm so happy now!!" .... yea rgt!! :)
"I Thank my parents for actaully getting me out of him,showing me the right direction and finding me the Suitable Boy, I wouldn't have been this much happy,i know" ... Hmmm...Gud for you Babe :)

This is the Worst I found!! :( :P
"That was mere Attraction" .......really????..think again!! :o :)
"Thank God I never crossed my limits with him" ...Thank him too sweets :)

But tell me something, if at that time in your past would you have been told that your life is gonna end in say A week.....What would you have done??....Whom would you have poured on all your emotions?? Your ga-ga's "whtever" for Christ's sake!!!

You wouldn't have been to your parents (not all the time for sure)......or you wunt even bother to find your present mates with a torch for that matter!!!!......
The Only Person upon whom you wud have invested your Precious Time would have been this EX :) :)

Isn't that true??......For that would have given you eternal happiness at THAT moment :)

In Today's process of life....Each one of us needs/wants ..."ah!whtever!" a partner....a mate...a Best Friend...
Since Skool or Grad......
It’s like this Fashion!! :) Until and unless you have it....something's missing ;)

Only 10% of the new Threads exist by the end of a period of time.....and then only 3-4%....afterwards....

But I bet you enjoyed those moments with ur friends...though it might be so that you ended on a BITTER Note!!
If you claim, you dint enjoy it...then why the hell were you into it... Guess were ONE of the Crowd ;)

The person might have not turned out to be the Right Guy......but the MOMENTS???..... :) :) What about them !! ??

Lastly, I would like to say,
Its Absolutely Okay to want/need someone but its more Okay if you accept him and the relationship ...... and HAVE the courage to face/admit the importance of that relationship-at that moment .....Afterwards!!! :) :)
Agree?? :) :)

[P.S. My Gurls...Forgive me if I had hurt your sentiments anywhere in this post...this was purely not intended :) :) ]


viju said...

louuuud applause......... very true anu... very well said.. wel its not the regrets dat one should hav n mind,it only weighs u down and saps ur energy..rather preserv beautiful moments to cherish..throughout !! gud work anu..keep it up.

Unknown said...

Pretty good take on how we percieve relationships dat failed..Dats coz we r all sore losers and each failure reminds of our shortcomings.
All relationships teach u smthng ..U keep wondering and hoping that if u hadn tmade sch a mistake u probably wd have been lot d end u gettin dumped, or u dumping smone everythng jst leaves a bitter taste in the mouth

AnuRadha GarimelLa said...

true :) ...also we shud deal with the faults of others gently as we would deal with ours !!!

In all n all....we all are formed from the same ingredients ..EMOTIONS!! :)

Accept it!..whats rgt for one may be wrong for the other n viceversa!! :)

I wont say....and use the word..FAILURE for a relationship....cos relations are beautiful!!...but again...we all have our own priorities and "take on whats gud /bad" ....hence we back off!! :) :) ....We thrive on our dreams! :)

Anonymous said...

one has to take the lessons that past taught,apply them in their present and prepare for a better future...

Of course past relationships shouldn't be cursed...if they ended bad,instead be happy that atleast something can be learnt.

It is easy to hide a pin by sitting over it,but that prick can only be felt by the one over it!!


aparna said...

one cannot judge their decisions made in past....all one should do is own them and treat them as assets not liabilities...

AnuRadha GarimelLa said...

very true!! Aj and Api!! :)

The question for each man to settle is not what he would do if he had means, time, influence and educational advantages; the question is what he will do with the things he has. The moment a young man ceases to dream or regret strongly to his lack of opportunities and resolutely looks his conditions in the face, and resolves to change them, he lays the corner-stone of a solid and honorable success.

Hamilton Wright Mabie